The application contains the following information and documents, as applicable:(1) in respect of the applicant, in the case of a natural person, the person’s name and contact information and, in the other cases, its name, the address of its seat and, if applicable, of its establishment in Québec as well as the name and contact information of the representative holding a mandate to make the application;
(2) in respect of the permit to be transferred, its number, the name and contact information of the holder and a description of the sugar bush concerned, including its tapping capacity and its area in hectares;
(3) a sworn statement by the permit holder, whereby he or she renounces all the rights resulting from the permit with a view to its transfer;
(4) where work must be carried out in connection with a transfer, a description of the work, in accordance with subparagraph 5 of the second paragraph of section 14, and the information referred to in subparagraph 6 of that paragraph, as applicable.